Sunday, November 28, 2010

Me, Myself, aaannndddd Ty!

Tyler is my amazing husband!
This is him and I.
Baby, I love you with all my heart. I must say you absolutely complete me. And I couldn't face this life with anyone else but you.

This Is About me

It's Me Amandaaa. 
People have thought I was "fake" so, I am showing the world that I am NOT a fake (: 

 Me and My sister Heatherrrrrr

About my children

Well, I have 3 little girls. And they are my everything. Their names are Aubrie Lynn, Kali Renee' and Cheyenne Emilina. Aubrie's two and the twins are 2 months old. 

Here are some pictures of my darling angels (:

This is Cheyenne, the youngest she's my little diva!

 This is Kali, the oldest of the two. She is my caaallmmm serene baby. She hardly ever cries
 This is Aubrie, My oldest. She is my angel, and mini me. She completed me when she was born I absolutely couldn't ever make it without her!